PHS 2021: Peace History Society Virtual Conference

Struggling for justice, struggling for peace: peace history engages with visions and movements around racial, climate, gender, and social justice.

Atlanta, Georgia
October 21-23, 2021

Conference Highlights | Registration | Program | Books and Museums | Call for Papers

Sweet Home MonteverdeWe will be screening the documentary film Sweet Home Monteverde.
Film Length: 56-minutes
Filming Locations: Costa Rica, Alabama, Vancouver
Official Site:
Fiscal Sponsor: Denver Film
How far would you go for your beliefs? In 1950, a group of Alabama pacifists went further than most. And they never looked back.  How far would you go for your beliefs? In 1950, a group of Alabama pacifists went further than most. And they never looked back.

Info Sheet (pdf).

Poster (jpg).

Sweet Home Monteverde