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Toward A Peaceful World: Historical Approaches to Creating Cultures of Peace
Peace History Society Biannual Meeting
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC
October 29-31, 2009

Winthrop University is delighted to host the October 2009 Peace History Society Conference. Covering 425 acres, Winthrop’s campus is comprised of a historic, traditional central campus. All conference activities will be hosted by the University in a variety of attractive settings. The university is located in Rock Hill, South Carolina. A city of 60,000, Rock Hill offers many amenities, easily accessible from the campus. Located approximately 20 miles south of Charlotte, North Carolina along Rte. 77, travelers can arrive by flying into Charlotte-Douglass International Airport or by car from rte 77. Information about the University can be found at Conference information can also be found on the Peace History Society website , however for planning purposes, the following material may be helpful.

Banquet and Keynote Speaker:
The banquet will be held on the Winthrop campus in the Tuttle Dining Room, and the renowned peace activist, historian, and lawyer, Staughton Lynd, will give the keynote address on October 30 at 7:30 p.m. Lynd received his Ph.D. in history from Columbia University, and accepted a teaching position at Spelman College in Georgia, where he became active in the Civil Rights movement. Lynd later accepted a position at Yale University, during the Vietnam era protests. His own protest activities cost him his teaching position at Yale and in the history profession in general. Lynd went on to earn a law degree and to practice labor law, but continued to write impressive works of history such as: Intellectual Origins of American Radicalism (1968), Labor Law for the Rank and Filer (1982), Nonviolence in America: A Documentary History, by Staughton and Alice Lynd, and Stepping Stones: Memoir of a Life Together, by Staughton and Alice Lynd.

Conference Housing: All Rooms Need to be reserved by September 30, 2009 to receive the conference rates.

The Inn at Winthrop: An on-campus conference facility that has twelve rooms for $64.80 (including tax). Contact Ms. Kelly Shelton at 803-323-2300 for one of these rooms. Information about the Inn at Winthrop can be found at

The Hampton Inn: The Hampton Inn is offering a conference rate of $104.00 plus tax. Rooms at the Hampton Inn will require transportation to and from the conference, although Winthrop will offer limited van transportation. The Hampton Inn is surrounded by a variety of chain eat and drinkeries for post-conference gatherings. For reservations, call Ms.Cortney Peterson and reserve your room by September 29, 2009.

Baymont Inn and Suites: The Baymont Inn offers less expensive rooms within a mile and a half of Winthrop’s campus. These rooms rent for $69.95 plus tax. To reserve a room call 803-329-1330 and say that you are with the Peace History Society.

The Oratory: The Oratory is a Catholic campus one half mile from Winthrop University’s campus. We are reserving rooms at the Oratory for graduate students and for conference participants who are traveling from outside the United States. As of now, we have eight sharable rooms available at $35.00 per room. If you are a graduate student or a person traveling from outside the U.S. and are interested in staying at the Oratory please call Ginger Williams at 803-323-4680 or email to make arrangements.


Rock Hill, SC and Winthrop University are easily accessible from the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport. Approximately 20 miles south of Charlotte (25-30 minute drive) along rte. 77 travelers should have little difficulty. All major car rental agencies have booths at the airport. These agencies will provide maps and directions to aid you in traveling to the University.

Those traveling by car will find Rock Hill and Winthrop University easy to locate. Exiting rte 77 at the Winthrop University/ Rock Hill exit, follow Cherry Road to the University, located at the corner of Cherry Road and Oakland Avenue. Visitor parking is available at The Inn at Winthrop and at various locations around campus. Should you need more explicit directions, please contact Dr. Ginger Williams at

Conference Fees and Registration: All conference registration fees include the banquet, two lunches, a light reception, and morning coffee and bagels to begin our days. Also, non-members receive a one-year membership to the Peace History Society, which includes a subscription to our journal, Peace and Change. The registration fees for conference are as follows:

Non-Member: $ 115

Member: $ 90

Student Non-Member: $55

Student Member: $30

To register, send a check or money order made out to Peace History Society and mail it to Christy Snider, Department of History, 5010, Mt. Berry Station, Berry College, Mt. Berry, GA 30149, USA.

Registration form (doc format)

Register online:

Please plan to register for the conference by September 30 so that we can plan to print enough programs.

(Call for papers)
Questions or comments to the web editor.