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PHS 2021: Peace History Society Virtual Conference

Struggling for justice, struggling for peace: peace history engages with visions and movements around racial, climate, gender, and social justice.

Atlanta, Georgia
October 21-23, 2021

Conference Highlights | Registration | Program | Books and Museums | Call for Papers

2021 PHS awards

  • Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Chuck Howlett and Peter van den Dungen
  • The Elise M. Boulding Prize in Peace History for an outstanding English-language nonfiction book by a single author that has a substantial bearing on the field of peace history: Mona L. Siegel, Peace on our Terms: The Global Battle for Women's Rights after the First World War (New York City: Columbia University Press, 2020).
  • Charles Debenedetti Memorial Prize for the best article published in Peace History awarded to Kimberly Jensen, “A 'Disloyal' and 'Immoral' Woman 'In Such a Responsible Place': M. Louise Hunt's Refusal to Purchase a Liberty Bond, Civil Liberties, and Female Citizenship in the First World War,” Peace & Change 44, no. 2 (April 2019): 139-68.

Please watch this video with instructions for conference attendees.

We are also asking all presenters to upload an abstract or outline or copy of your paper to share with other participants to this folder on google drive; please aim to do this no later than 10 October.

The conference opens Thursday evening, October 21, with a presentation about the Atlanta Peace Initiative/Peace Education Project.

Registration gives you access to the film Sweet Home, Monteverde for a week prior to the conference, and the filmmakers will join us to talk about it on Friday evening. The film follows a group of Alabama pacifists who refused to be drafted to fight in Korea. Emigrating to Costa Rica (which had just abolished its army), they created a community that is still known for its environmental stewardship.

Midday dialogues Friday and Saturday feature members of the National Council of Elders in conversation with students from metro-Atlanta and Minneapolis-St. Paul. The midday dialogue on Friday with Aljosie Harding will also include Alexa Vaca and Quincy Jean-Louis.

The conference closes Saturday night with Instigating Peace: Mountainkeepers and Curious Minds.
Join artist-instigators Paul Corbit Brown (photo journalist-environmentalist) and Sandra Agustín (choreographer and creative engagement specialist) as they share stories of environmental protection and the art of holding difficult conversations. Presentation and active engagement.
Questions or comments to the web editor.