Peace History Society

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2005 Peace History Society Conference

"Peace Activism and Scholarship: Historical Perspectives of Social, Economic, and Political Change" (Winthrop University, 2005)

PHS Roundtable

PHS Roundtable: “Straddling Two Worlds: Historians Grapple with Their Work in the Academy and on the Streets” ( Baruch Room – Conference Center )

  • “Combining Work as an Historian and Activist: A Personal Account” -   Lawrence Wittner, State University of New York

  •  “A History without a History: What I learned as a Historian Studying My Activist Roots” - Marian Mollin, Virginia Tech University

  •  “The Historian as Activist (and vise versa): Researching and Writing a ‘Relevant’ History of U.S. Foreign Relations” - Brad Simpson, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

  •  “Seeking a Place in the Middle: Plotting a Path to Becoming a Scholar Activist” - Virginia Williams, Winthrop University

Fr. Roy Bourgeois

Keynote Speaker: Fr. Roy Bourgeois, M.M., Founder of School of the Americas Watch

Mitch Hall

Mitch Hall , PHS President

Michael Foley

Michael Foley, winner Scott Bills Memorial Prize for his book Confronting the War Machine:  Draft Resistance During the Vietnam War (Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2003).

Virginia Williams, E. Timothy Smith, Michael Foley, Lynne Dunn (Bills Prize award committee together with Foley who won the first Bills Prize).
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