Peace History Society

Officers and Board
 PHS Conferences
Peace and Change
Peace and Change blog
Elise M. Boulding Prize
DeBenedetti Prize
Scott Bills Memorial Prize
Edited Book Prize
Lifetime Achievement Award
  Other Resources on the Web
Announcements of Conferences, etc. of Interest to Peace Historians
PHS Photograph Archive
PHS History
PHS Bylaws

Muted Voices
Hutterite Youth Choir as closing of 2017 PHS Conference Remembering Muted Voices: Conscience, Dissent, Resistance and Civil Liberties in World War I Through Today (October 19-22, 2017, National World War I Museum, Kansas City, MO)

PHS Peace History Conferences

The Peace History Society has sponsored a number of major conferences on its own or in collaboration with other organizations. Some of the most recent of these include:

Select papers from these conferences appeared as special issues of Peace & Change. Additionally, PHS organized impressive panels for the Hague Appeal for Peace (1999) and in conjunction with the meeting of the International Congress of Historical Sciences in Oslo (2000). Working via the Peace History Commission (an international body that PHS organized), the Peace History Society has enabled scholars to appear on panels at meetings of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) in Valetta, Malta (1994), Brisbane, Australia (1996), and Durban, South Africa (1998).

The Peace History Society has consistently sought to maintain an ongoing dialogue with other academics who do not necessarily share the same methodologies and fields of interest. For example, PHS has held successful joint conferences with the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations and the American Military Institute.
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