Hutterite Youth Choir as closing of 2017 PHS Conference Remembering Muted Voices: Conscience, Dissent, Resistance and Civil Liberties in World War I Through Today
(October 19-22, 2017, National World War I Museum, Kansas City, MO) |
PHS Peace History Conferences
The Peace History Society has sponsored a
number of major conferences on its own or
in collaboration with other organizations. Some of the most recent of these
- 2023 PHS Conference, Gwynedd Mercy University, October 26 - October 28, 2023.
- 2021 Peace History Society Virtual Conference: Struggling for justice, struggling for peace: peace history engages with visions and movements around racial, climate, gender, and social justice (October 2021).
- 2019 PHS Conference: Commemorating Violent Conflict: Building Sustainable Peace (Kent State University, October 24-26, 2019). 2019 PHS prize winners.
- 2017 PHS Conference: Remembering Muted Voices: Conscience, Dissent, Resistance and Civil Liberties in World War I through Today (October 19-22, 2017, National World War I Museum, Kansas City, MO). 2017 PHS prize winners.
Historical Perspectives on War, Peace, and Religion (University of Saint Joseph, West Hartford, Connecticut, October 22-24, 2015)
- Envisioning Peace, Performing Justice: Art, Activism, and Cultural Politics in the History of Peacemaking (Southern Illinois University Carbondale, October 24-26, 2013)
- Confronting US Power after the Vietnam War: Transnational and International Perspectives on Peace Movements, Diplomacy, and the Law, 1975-2012 (University of Sheffield, October 5-6, 2012)
- The Inter-personal as Political: Individual Witness for Peace and Justice in Global Perspective (Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida, October 20 – October 22, 2011)
- Toward a Peaceful World: Historical Approaches to Creating Cultures of Peace (Peace History Society conference, Winthrop University, October 29-31, 2009)
- War And Its Discontents: Understanding Iraq And The U.S. Empire, co-sponsored with Historians Against the War (Atlanta, Georgia, April 11-13, 2008)
- "Historical Perspectives on Engendering War, Peace and Justice" (Georgian Court University, Lakewood, NJ, October 19-20, 2007)
- "Peace Activism and Scholarship:
Historical Perspectives of Social, Economic, and Political Change" (Winthrop University, 2005) (photos)
- "Peace Work: The Labor of Peace Activism,
Present, and Future" (Central Michigan University, 2003)
- "Politics of Peace Movements: From Nonviolence to Social Justice" (Western Washington University, 2000)
- "Peace and War Issues:
Gender, Race, Identity, and Citizenship" (University of Texas at
San Antonio, 1997)
- "Peace and War Issues: Gender, Race, and
Ethnicity" (Rutgers University, 1994).
Select papers from these conferences appeared
as special issues of Peace & Change. Additionally, PHS
organized impressive panels for the Hague Appeal for Peace (1999)
and in conjunction
with the meeting of the International Congress of Historical
Sciences in Oslo (2000). Working via the Peace History
Commission (an international body that PHS organized), the Peace
History Society has enabled scholars to appear on panels at
meetings of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) in
Valetta, Malta (1994), Brisbane, Australia (1996), and Durban,
South Africa (1998).
The Peace History Society has
consistently sought to maintain an ongoing dialogue with other
academics who do not necessarily share the same methodologies and
fields of interest. For example, PHS has held successful joint
conferences with the Society for Historians of American Foreign
Relations and the American Military Institute.