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Resources on the World Wide Web

The following web links are provided for the interest of PHS members and the interested public. The appearance of a link here does not necessarily indicate any endorsement by the Peace History Society. This page will serve as a clearinghouse of information on web sites that concern the history of peace and peace studies. If you have a link or site that would like to have considered for inclusion on this page, please contact the PHS web editor, Marc Becker.  

Web pages:

Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Gathers, preserves, and makes accessible material that documents non-governmental efforts for nonviolent social change, disarmament, and conflict resolution between peoples and nations.

Conscientious Object in America.  Primary Sources for Research. 

.S. Foreign Policy – History and Resource Guide. Examines U.S. wars and foreign policies from a principled, peace & justice perspective, written for students and the general public. Sponsored by PHS and Historians for Peace and Democracy (H-PAD).

Elizabethtown College's Peace Pamphlet Collection. More than 30 Church of the Brethren and other pamphlets that focus on peace, historic peace churches, conscientious objectors and alternative service.

Civilian Public Service: searchable databases of the 12,000 alternative service workers in WWII, along with descriptions of life and work in the 150+ Civilian Public Service camps. Also includes a section on post WWII expressions of conscience against war, including the experience of peace churches in Vietnam.

Guide for teaching on the Ottawa Convention to ban landmines.

Guides to Sources for Women's History at the International Institute of Social History. 

Home page of Irwin Abrams, includes information about his work on the Nobel Peace Prize

H-Peace an international electronic network that seeks to broaden understanding about historical and contemporary peace, justice, and disarmament concerns.

Media and Peace Institute of the University for Peace. 

Women living with war

Graduate Programs in the Field of Conflict Resolution


Peace Organizations:

American Friends Service Committee

Copenhagen Peace Research Institute

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Historians for Peace and Democracy (H-PAD)

International Fellowship of Reconciliation

International Peace Bureau

Peace and Justice Studies Association

United Nations

War Resisters' International

War Resisters League

Women's International League of Peace and Freedom

Women's International League of Peace and Freedom -- United States
Questions or comments to the web editor.