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Peace & Change

 Since 1972, PHS has published its own journal, Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research, which members receive free of charge. Appearing quarterly, Peace & Change publishes scholarly and interpretive articles as well as book reviews on a wide variety of topics related to peace movements, conflict resolution, satyagraha and nonviolence, internationalism, race and gender issues affecting peacemaking, cross-cultural studies, economic development, the impact of imperialism on societies, and post-Cold War upheaval. Special issues have featured forums on the field of peace history, aspects of the Vietnam War, peace discourse, dilemmas of "development," Japanese American internment during the Second World War, and world federalism. Book reviews, review essays, and articles draw from an interdisciplinary array of themes, methodologies, and topics.

Check out the Peace and Change blog as a place for exploration and dialogue beyond the pages of the journal.

Peace & Change is published by Wiley-Blackwell.  For further information about the journal and the services offered by Wiley-Blackwell connect to their web site.
Questions or comments to the web editor.