Officers and Board Members
Executive Officers (2023-2026) |
President: Gail M. Presbey
University of Detroit Mercy
I am a Professor and Chair of Philosophy and Affiliate Faculty of the History Department at the University of Detroit Mercy. I am also Director of the James Carney Latin American Solidarity Archives (since 2002). I have graduate degrees in both Philosophy (Fordham U) and History (Wayne State U), and teach for both departments. My interests, studies, and publications focus on peace history, justice issues, and the philosophy of nonviolence in India, Africa, and Latin America. I have published over sixty journal articles and book chapters, and a dozen translations/republications, as well as four co-edited books and the book, The Life and Thought of H. Odera Oruka: Pursuing Justice in Africa (Bloomsbury, 2023). In 2017 I joined the PHS Board of Directors, and from 2019 to 2022 I had been Secretary. For additional information, see my home page at sites.udmercy.edu/gailpresbey.
Vice-President: Christian Philip Peterson
Ferris State University
I teach history at Ferris State University and have a deep interest in peace history. In addition to holding a Ph.D. in history from Ohio University, I have written several books, book chapters, and peer-reviewed articles that grapple with the subjects of peace and human rights, including Globalizing Human Rights: Private Citizens, the Soviet Union, and the West (2012). My article “Changing the World from ‘Below’: U.S. Peace Activists and the Transnational Struggle for Peace and Détente in the 1980s” appeared in Journal of Cold War Studies. I also co-edited and co-wrote a chapter for The Routledge History of World Peace since 1750 (2018). For the past several years, I worked with Chuck Howlett, Deborah Buffton, and David Hostetter to complete the edited volume The Oxford Handbook of Peace History. As Vice President, I will work with all interested parties to produce more peace history scholarship, an endeavor that would include submitting work for Brill’s Studies in Peace History series. I will also work to increase interdisciplinary dialogue between peace historians and social scientists in the field of Peace & Conflict Studies. This long-term endeavor would include actions such as organizing interdisciplinary conference panels, creating interdisciplinary forums or exchanges in scholarly journals, and the promotion/production of explicitly interdisciplinary peace scholarship.
Secretary: Toshihiro Higuchi
Georgetown University
I am assistant professor of history at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. Trained as a US diplomatic historian exploring the intersections of the nuclear and environmental age, I seek to bring an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective to peace history. I am the author of Political Fallout: Nuclear Weapons Testing and the Making of a Global Environmental Crisis (2020) which won the 2021 Michael H. Hunt Prize for International History from the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR). My publications in English include two articles appearing in the journal Peace & Change. I was awarded the Charles DeBenedetti Prize in 2009 and served on the Executive Board of Peace History Society from 2011 to 2014 and again from 2019 to 2022. |
Treasurer: Christy Snider
Berry College
Christy J. Snider is an associate professor of history at Berry College where she teaches U.S. diplomacy, U.S. Women's History, and recent U.S. history. She obtained her Ph.D. in history from Purdue University and is a former president of the Peace History Society. Her research focuses on U.S. women's involvement in international relations during the interwar period.
PHS Board |
Scott H. Bennett, Georgian Court University (2023-2026)
Jacqueline Castledine, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (2023-2026)
Wendy Chmielewski, Swarthmore College (2025-2028)
Michael Clinton, Gwynedd Mercy University (2023-2026)
Erica Fugger, Rutgers University-Newark (2025-2028
Lauren Jannette, Kenyon College (2025-2028)
Sakiko Kaiga (2025-2028)
Tracy E. K'Meyer, University of Louisville (2023-2026)
Henry Richard Maar, Cal State-Northridge (2023-2026)
Don Maxwell, Indiana State University (2025-2028)
Brian Mueller, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2023-2026)
Roger Peace, U.S. Foreign Policy History & Resource Guide (2025-2028)
Paul Rubinson, Bridgewater State University (2023-2026)
Ex-officio members:
David Hostetter (past President)
Renee Bricker and Yi Deng, University of North Georgia (Peace & Change editors)
Swarthmore College Peace Collection curator
Julia Eichenberg, President, German
Association for Historical Peace and Conflict Research
Marc Becker, Truman State University (Web editor) |
PHS News Editor |
PHS UN Representative |
Ginger Williams
Winthrop University
williamsv@winthrop.edu |
Blanche Wiesen Cook
John Jay College & CUNY Graduate Center
34 Audubon Street
East Hampton, NY
11937, USA.
Fax: 516-329-3671 |