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Peace History Society at the AHA

The Peace History Society will hold its annual business meeting at the AHA in Atlanta.  Everyone is welcome.  The meeting will be held on Friday, January 5, from 7:45-9:00 AM, in the Hilton, Fayette Room.  Coffee and Danish will be provided.

In addition, the AHA Program lists three panels, indexed under ?peace.?  Even though these sessions are not sponsored by the PHS, it might be useful to list them here:

Session #116.  WOMEN AND WAR PROTEST.  (Saturday, January 6, from 9:00-11:00 AM, Westin, Atlanta Ballroom, Salon G).

Session #131.  THE HISTORIAN IN A TIME OF CRISIS: STAUGHTON LYND, YALE UNIVERSITY, AND THE VIETNAM WAR.  (Saturday, January 6, from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM, Marriott, International Ballroom 7).

Session #154.  REVENGE, REPENTANCE, AND RECONCILIATION: CONFRONTING THE PAST IN POSTWAR GERMANY.  (Saturday, January 6, from 2:30-4:30 PM, Westin, Augusta 2).
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