Announcements of Interest to Peace Historians
- Temporary Assistant Professor, Political Science and Peace Studies. The Department of Political Science and the Heravi Peace Institute at Utah State University (USU) invite applications for a Temporary Assistant Professor of Political Science to serve as a Heravi Peace Fellow. Successful candidates must hold a PhD in Political Science or a related field and should have demonstrated expertise in the interdisciplinary field of Peace Studies. The Fellow will teach introductory courses in international relations, international studies, and peacebuilding as well as an upper-division course in our Global Peacebuilding certificate program. Additionally, the Fellow is expected to take an active role in departmental and institute activities and outreach, as appropriate to interests and skills. This is a one-year term appointment at USU’s main campus in Logan. The successful applicant may expect an annual salary of $55,000 plus benefits as well as funds to present at a professional conference. The anticipated start date of the position is August 2025.
- Mercy Peace Forum recordings. Mercy Peace Forum hosts an online event each semester, supported by the Peace History Society and four Mercy universities (U. of Detroit Mercy, Gwynedd Mercy U., Georgian Court U., and St. Joseph's U). Our past lectures are available for viewing:
- Gail Presbey interviews Claire Schaeffer-Duffy of the Sts. Francis and Therese Catholic Worker in Worcester, Mass., on the topic of "Conversations on Nonviolent Action in a Time of War," University of Detroit Mercy, Nov. 15, 2023.
- Joanne Sheehan: Nonviolent Activist for Peace & Justice - A Moderated Discussion with Scott Bennett, Mercy Peace Forum, March 20, 2023. Passcode: JW2H#4r!
- PHS co-sponsored webinar "Critically Concerned: Catholic Women Religious and the Nonviolent Quest for Peace & Justice--Experiences and Perspectives" (November 9, 2022) with Sr. Jeanne Clark, OP; Sr. Diane Guerin, RSM, Ph.D.; Carole Sargent, Ph.D.; and Elaine Markey. Sargent is author of Transform Now Plowshares: Megan Rice, Gregory Boertje-Obed, and Michael Walli (Liturgical Press, 2022), and Markey is author of A Radical Faith: The Assassination of Sister Maura (Nation Books, 2016).
- International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP)
Upcoming Lectures
- New series: Studies in Peace History (Brill), editors: Scott H. Bennett and Michael Clinton
- Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution
- Carlos Cordero-Pedrosa, Peace Studies and the Color-Line: Africana Contributions (Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press, 2024).
- Charles F. Howlett and Audrey Cohan, John Dewey, America's Peace-Minded Educator (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2016).
- Kathy Beckwith, A Mighty Case Against War: What America Missed in U.S. History Class and What We (All) Can Do Now (Dignity Press, 2015)
- Roger Peace, A Call to Conscience: The Anti-Contra war Campaign (2012)
Call for Papers
Please send announcements to Marc Becker at marc@yachana.org.