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Call For Papers: Home Front Studies

Home Front Studies, a new journal published by the University of Nebraska Press, is now open for submissions. This interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal explores the concept of the home front, broadly considered, in times of war, civil war, and similar conflicts from the late nineteenth century to the present day. As such, its focus is not on battles, military leadership and training, theaters of conflict, or war strategies. Rather, the journal looks at the role of art, citizenship, culture, discrimination, finance, gender, identity, music, morale, propaganda, resistance, society, and other factors as experienced by civilians on home fronts in locations around the world. Its interdisciplinary editorial board is open to submissions from scholars located across the humanities. The journal’s web page, including the table of contents for its inaugural issue, is available at

All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not under review elsewhere. Home Front Studies welcomes manuscripts of up to 9,000 words, inclusive of endnotes. All contributions should be prepared in accordance with the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, using humanities-style endnote citations. 

The editorial board uses Editorial Manager to process submissions at:

Home Front Studies is edited by James J. Kimble ( The journal does not accept unsolicited reviews of books, movies, or exhibitions. Please contact the reviews editor, Pearl James, to discuss potential review assignments:
Questions or comments to the web editor.