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Mona Siegel with a copy of her book Peace on Our Terms

Elise M. Boulding Prize in Peace History

The Peace History Society invites nominations (including self-nominations) for the Elise Boulding Prize in Peace History for an outstanding English-language nonfiction book by a single author in the field of Peace History published in 2023 or 2024. For books with different electronic and print publication dates, please submit based on the date the book appears in print, although books appearing only in electronic format are also eligible. First books and dissertations are not eligible. This prize, awarded biennially, carries a cash award of $500.

Please send a brief nomination letter (listing the author’s name, email address, book title, and publication information) to with “Elise M. Boulding Prize entry” in the email subject line. Upon receipt, you will receive a confirmation email containing the committee members’ mailing addresses. Please then send a copy of the nominated book to each member. Nominees who do not send a copy of their submission to all members of the prize committee may be deemed ineligible for the award. The committee’s strong preference is for books to be submitted in print format, but electronic submissions will be accepted. For books submitted electronically, please send it to with “Elise M. Boulding Prize e-book submission” in the email subject line.

  • Victoria Wolcott (Chair)
  • Tracy K’Meyer
  • Deborah Buffton

Submissions are due May 15, 2025.

Previous award recipients:

2021-2022: Victoria Wolcott, Living in the Future: Utopianism and the Long Civil Rights Movement. (University of Chicago Press, 2022).

Honorable Mention: Tracy K’Meyer, To Live Peacefully Together: The AFSC’s Campaign for Open Housing (University of Chicago Press, 2022)

2019-20: Mona L. Siegel, Peace on our Terms: The Global Battle for Women's Rights after the First World War (New York City: Columbia University Press, 2020).

2017-18: Michael Kazin, War Against War: The American Fight for Peace, 1914-1918 (Simon & Schuster, 2017).
Questions or comments to the web editor.