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DeBenedetti Prize in Peace History

The Peace History Society invites nominations (including self-nominations) for the DeBenedetti Prize in Peace History for an English language journal article, book chapter, or book introduction on peace history published in 2023 or 2024. For publications with different electronic and print publication dates, please submit based on the date the article or book chapter or introduction appears in print, although works appearing only in electronic format are also eligible. The prize, awarded biennially, carries a cash award of $500.

Articles may focus on the history of peace movements, the response of individuals to peace and war issues, the relationship between peace and other reform movements, gender issues in warfare and peacemaking, comparative analyses, and quantitative studies.

All nominations for the DeBenedetti Prize must be made electronically. Please send a brief nomination email (listing the author's name, email address, and full citation for the publication) along with a PDF attachment of the submission to Nominees who do not send a copy of their submission may be deemed ineligible for the award. Please indicate “DeBenedetti Prize submission” in the email subject line.

  • Lauren Jannette (Chair)
  • Harvey Strum
  • Sakiko Kaiga
  • Ronald Musto

Submissions are due May 15, 2025.

Previous award recipients:

2021-2022: Michelle Tusan, “The Concentration Camp as Site of Refuge: The Rise of the Refugee Camp and the Great War in the Middle East,” Journal of Modern History, 93, no 4, (December 2021): 824-860.

2019-2020: Kimberly Jensen, “A 'Disloyal' and 'Immoral' Woman 'In Such a Responsible Place': M. Louise Hunt's Refusal to Purchase a Liberty Bond, Civil Liberties, and Female Citizenship in the First World War,” Peace & Change 44, no. 2 (April 2019): 139-68.

2017-2018: Barbara Keys, “The Telephone and Its Uses in 1980s U.S. Activism,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History (Spring 2018).

Honorable Mention: Marian Mollin, “The Solidarity of Suffering: Gender, Cross-Cultural Contact, and the Foreign Mission Work of Sister Ita Ford,” Peace & Change (April 2017).

2015-2016: Ryan J. Kirkby for “Dramatic Protests, Creative Communities: VVAW and the Expressive Politics of the Sixties Counterculture,” Peace & Change 40, no. 1 (January 2015): 33-62.

2013-2014: Rachel Waltner, Goossen, "Disarming the Toy Store and Reloading the Shopping Cart: Resistance to Violent Consumer Culture," Peace & Change 38, no. 3 (July 2013): 330-54.

2011-2012: Mona L. Siegel, “Western Feminism and Anti-Imperialism: The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Anti-Opium Campaign,” Peace & Change 36, no. 1 (January 2011): 34-61.

2009-2010: Melissa R. Klapper, “'Those by Whose Side We have Labored’: American Jewish Women and the Peace Movement between the Wars,” The Journal of American History 97, no. 3 (December 2010).

2007-2008: Tosihiro Higuchi and Penny Roberts, "The Languages of Peace during the French Religious Wars," Cultural and Social History 4 (2007): 293-311.

2005-2006:  Robert J. Topmiller, “Struggling for Peace: South Vietnamese Buddhist Women and Resistance to the Vietnam War,” Journal of Women's History 17:3 (Fall 2005): 133-157.

2003-2004: Doug Rossinow, "The Model of a Fellow Traveler: Harry F. Ward, the American League of Peace and Democracy and the 'Russian Question' in American Politics, 1933-1956," Peace & Change 29:2 (April 2004): 177-220.

2001-2002: Perry Bush, "The Political Education of Vietnam Christian Service, 1954-1975," Peace and Change 27:2 (April 2002).

1999-2000: Laura Hein, "Savage Irony: The Imaginative Power of the 'Military Comfort Women' in the 1990s," Gender and History 11 (July 1999): 336-372.

1997-1998: Robert Shaffer, "Cracks in the Consensus: Defending the Rights of Japanese Americans During World War II," Radical History Review 72 (Fall 1998): 84-120.

1995-1996: Susan Zeiger, "She Didn't Raise Her Boy To Be a Slacker," Feminist Studies (Spring 1996)

1993-1994: Allen Smith, "Mass Society and the Bomb: The Discourse of Pacifism in the 1950s," Peace and Change (Ocotber 1993)
1991-1992: Sandi Cooper, "Pacifism in France, 1889-1914: International Peace as a Human Right," French Historical Studies (Fall 1991)
1989-1990: Frances Early, "Feminism, Peace, and Civil Liberties: Women's Role in the Origins of the World War I Civil Liberties Movement," Women's Studies (1990)
1987-1988: Larry Wittner, "Peace Movements and Foreign Policy: The Challenge to Diplomatic Historians," Diplomatic History (Fall 1987)
Dennis R. Gordon, "The Paralysis of Multilateral Peacekeeping: International Organizations and the Falklands/Malvinas War, Peace and Change (No. 1/2 1987)

Robert Topmiller

Robert J. Topmiller receives 2005-2006 DeBenedetti Prize at the 2007 PHS Conference, Georgian Court University

Frances Early and Susan Zeiger

Frances Early (right) presenting Susan Zeiger with the 1995-1996 DeBenedetti Prize at the PHS Conference, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio
Questions or comments to the web editor.