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Peace History Society Conference
“Envisioning Peace, Performing Justice:
Art, Activism, and the Cultural Politics of Peacemaking”

Southern Illinois University Carbondale
October 24-26, 2013

Conference information (pdf) | Registration (pdf) | Program | Call for Papers

Southern Illinois University Carbondale is delighted to be hosting the Peace
History Society Conference. SIUC is near the foothills of the Shawnee National
Forest and the campus is known for its natural beauty, including a lake with a two
mile walking trail around it. All conference activities will be held on the campus.
The town of Carbondale has about 25,000 people (big for Southern Illinois) and
many amenities are within walking distance from the University. The community
has been involved in supporting and planning for the conference, and there will be a
number of peace and justice related exhibits around campus and in town. A
description and map of these events will be distributed upon your arrival.

The Peace History Society was founded in 1964 to encourage and coordinate
national and international scholarly work exploring the causes of peace and war,
and to communicate the findings of scholarly work to the public. PHS has a long
interdisciplinary tradition, and its international membership represents such
disciplines as history, anthropology, economics, sociology, literary studies,
performance studies, communications, theater, and political science. The 2013
conference includes panels and presentations on a range of topics, including visual
culture, civil rights, popular memory, performance protest, and transnationalism.

The keynote speaker will be Dr. Tony Perucci, Associate Professor of Performance
and Cultural Studies at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Dr. Perucci’s
work speaks directly to both the larger conference themes and the Peace History
Society’s interdisciplinary approach. His most recent book, Paul Robeson and the
Cold War Performance Complex: Race, Madness, and Activism
(University of Michigan,
2012) highlights the intersections between politics, performance, radicalism, and
race. He has also published in such journals as TDR: The Drama Review, Text and
Performance Quarterly, and Liminalities, and edited books such as Iraq War Cultures
(Peter Lang 2011), Performance Adaptations (Cambridge Scholars 2010), and
Violence Performed (Palgrave 2010).

Performances and other activities: In keeping with the conference theme, the
opening reception will include poetry and song. There will be a book display
featuring scholarly works on peace, justice, and the arts. Also, this year’s conference
will include a special performance from the SIU Department of Theater and School
of Music of the musical Ragtime, based on the novel by E.L. Doctorow. (Registration
fees include a ticket to the show.) Set at the turn of the twentieth century, Ragtime
dramatizes racial strife and workers’ struggles, and contrasts the plight of
immigrants on the Lower East Side with the immense wealth of the Robber Barons.

Conference information may also be found on the Peace History
Society web site: For more information about
Southern Illinois University, go to

Important information about registration and travel is below:

Conference Fees and Registration: Your registration fee includes the banquet,
two lunches, two continental breakfasts, two receptions, and a ticket to Ragtime for
Friday, October 25 (courtesy of the SIUC Department of Theater). Also, nonmembers
receive a one-year membership to the Peace History Society, which
includes a subscription to our journal, Peace & Change. The registration fees for the
conference are as follows:


Completed by:

PHS Member


Student Member

Student Non-Member

Early (by Sept. 24)





Regular (mail, web, or on-site)





One-Day (excludes meals, theatre ticket, and membership benefits)





To register, fill out the form and send a check or money order made out to the Peace
History Society to:
Christy Snider, Department of History, 5010, Mt. Berry Station, Berry College, Mt.
Berry, GA 30149, USA. You may also register online by going to

Conference Housing: You must reserve rooms by September 24, 2013 in order
to receive the conference rates.

Comfort Inn & Suites, 2400 Reed Station Road, Carbondale: Comfort Inn is
offering a conference rate of $70 plus tax. Rooms will require transportation to and
from the conference; there will be a shuttle schedule (at the beginning, middle, and
end of each scheduled conference day). There are a few eating/drinking options
nearby. For reservations, call 618-529-2720. The Comfort Inn is directly across the
street from the Holiday Inn.

Holiday Inn, 2300 Reed Station Road, Carbondale: Holiday Inn is offering a
conference rate of $99 plus tax. There is a restaurant in the hotel. For reservations,
call 618-549-2600. The shuttle will pick up and drop off at the Holiday Inn as well
If you are considering other hotels, we recommend you contact us for suggestions.
The area has many delightful B & B’s, but these require a car, and the conference
schedule is quite full.

AIR: If you are flying, the nearest major airport is St. Louis, but you can also fly from
there to Marion, which is the next town over from Carbondale. (The short flight
from St. Louis to Marion is less expensive than a shuttle and we can get you to your
hotel from there.) St. Louis is 100 miles from Carbondale. You can rent a car at the
airport or arrange to take the BART shuttle by calling 800-284-2278.
If you drive from the airport: Take Interstate 70 East to Interstate 64 East; get off I-
64 at exit 50 (Nashville) and take Highway 127 South. When you get to Route 13,
turn left, and drive through Carbondale to the hotels on the other side of town.
If you need more detail, contact Anne Fletcher (on-site coordinator), 618-967-2927. Please send flight information to her as well. .

TRAIN: Amtrak has a stop in Carbondale. If you are coming from the Chicago area,
this is often the best option. The train takes about 5 1/2 hours, so plan accordingly. If
you plan to come on the train, let us know your schedule so that we can make
arrangements to pick you up and get you to your hotel. Go to to
make reservations. Please send your reservation information to Anne Fletcher

DRIVING: If you travel by car from points north or south, you are likely to end up
taking Interstate 57. From either direction, take exit 54 in Marion (there will be
signs for Carbondale), head west about 10 miles until you reach the hotel. If you are
coming from the east, see directions from airport (above). Hotel staff will be able to
direct you to campus. Again, let us know if you need more detailed directions. If you
let us know that you are driving, we will also have on-campus parking permits and
directions to designated parking areas available upon your arrival.

OPTIONAL TOUR OF LOCAL WINERIES AND SHAWNEE NATIONAL FOREST: For those who wish, transportation will be offered for a group tour of wineries, the
Shawnee National Forest, Giant City Lodge (a CCC building project), and the
Makanda Boardwalk (a quaint row of shops with work by local artisans). A small
fee for transportation may be required. A group dinner will be organized for
Saturday evening (price not included in registration). A list of local restaurants
will be provided on-site.

The Fall 2013 PHS Newsletter is now available.
Questions or comments to the web editor.