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Historical Perspectives on War, Peace, and Religion

October 22-24, 2015

University of Saint Joseph
West Hartford, Connecticut

Conference information | Registration | Program | Call for Papers | Restaurants | Campus Map

PHS awards
PHS president Kevin Callahan with Lifetime Achievement Award winner Geoffrey Smith and Christy Snider who was commended for her service as PHS president from 2013-2014.

2015 awards

  • Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Geoffrey Smith, Queens University.
  • Charles Debenedetti Memorial Prize for the best article published in Peace History in 2013-2014 awarded to Rachel Waltner Goossen for her article "Disarming the Toy Store and Reloading the Shopping Cart: Resistance to Violent Consumer Culture," Peace & Change 38, no. 3 (July 2013): 330-54.
  • Scott Bills Memorial Prize First Book / Dissertation in Peace History published in 2012-2013 awarded to Dr. Gearóid Barry for his book, The Disarmament of Hatred: Marc Sangnier, French Catholicism and the Legacy of the First World War, 1914-45 (Palgrave Macmillan; 2012).

Peace and Change will be coordinating a "live tweet" during the upcoming Peace History Society Conference. A live tweet is a posting of comments about a specific event in which participants chronicle the proceedings in real time. It allows those not present to follow the event and creates a new space for participants to discuss the scholarship presented. We at Peace and Change will be live tweeting this year's conference, which you can follow on Twitter at @PeaceChange_PHS or #PHSC2015. We also invite those interested to join us in live tweeting the conference. Simply attach #PHSC2015 to any tweets related to the conference.

View photos from the conference.

The University of Saint Joseph is delighted to be hosting the Peace History Society Conference. In 1932, the Sisters of Mercy of Connecticut set out to establish the first liberal arts college for women in the Hartford area. They were determined to develop a curriculum that balanced professional studies with the liberal arts; focused on service to others; and infused the Catholic intellectual tradition while welcoming students of all ages, races, religions, and cultures.  Now a university with co-educational graduate programs, USJ is a community which promotes the growth of the whole person in a caring environment that encourages strong ethical values, personal integrity and a sense of responsibility to the needs of society.

The University of Saint Joseph's main campus is located in suburban West Hartford, three miles from downtown Hartford and mid-way between Boston and New York City.  The Town of West Hartford has about 60, 000 people and a vibrant city center full of renowned restaurants.  Historical and cultural attractions near USJ include the Mark Twain House, the Connecticut State Capital Building, the Wadsworth Atheneum (art museum) and the Noah Webster House. The conference is taking place during the peak season of New England foliage, with the beautiful Elizabeth Park a 10-minute walk from campus and many hiking and walking trails within a 20-minute drive.

The Peace History Society was founded in 1964 to encourage and coordinate national and international scholarly work exploring the causes of peace and war, and to communicate the findings of scholarly work to the public. PHS has a long interdisciplinary tradition, and its international membership represents such disciplines as history, anthropology, economics, sociology, literary studies, performance studies, communications, religious studies, and political science. The 2015 conference includes panels and presentations on a range of topics related to the conference theme on historical perspectives on war, peace and religion in addition to other fields of peace history. The winners of the PHS’s three prize awards – the Bills Memorial Prize for outstanding first book/dissertation in peace history, the Debenedetti Prize for outstanding article in peace history, and the Lifetime Achievement Award – will be announced at the conference.

The Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Leilah Danielson, Associate Professor of History at the University of Northern Arizona. Dr. Danielson’s work speaks directly to both the larger conference themes and the Peace History Society’s interdisciplinary approach.  Dr. Danielson’s book American Gandhi: A.J. Muste and the History of Radicalism in the 20th Century (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014) examines the evolving political and religious thought of A.J. Muste, a leader of the U.S. left.  In this work, Dr. Danielson argues for his significance to the rich, complex world of radical and reformist politics and ideas from World War I to the mid-1960s.  She has also published in such journals as Religion and Culture, Diplomatic History, Peace and Change: A Journal of Peace Research, and Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture.

Conference Fees and Registration: The registration fee includes the banquet,
two lunches, two continental breakfasts, coffee service, a reception and basic shuttle service from the Hartford Hilton to USJ main campus.  Also, nonmembers receive a one-year membership to the Peace History Society, which includes a subscription to our journal, Peace & Change. The registration fees for the conference are as follows:

Completed by:

PHS Member
(full-time employed)

(full-time employed)

PHS Member: Graduate Student, Retired,
Independent Scholar,

Graduate Student,
Independent Scholar,

Early (by Sept 25)





Regular (after Sept 25)





One-Day Visitors (excludes meals)





Please register online by going to:

If you are unable to register online, PHS will accept a personal check or money order in U.S. dollars made out to the Peace History Society.  Please mail your check to:
Dr. Kevin Callahan, Department of History, 1678 Asylum Avenue, West Hartford, CT, 06117.

Conference Housing:

Hartford Hilton, 315 Trumbull ST, Hartford, CT  06103: The Hartford Hilton is offering a conference rate of $120 plus tax. Daily parking is $15 dollars. 50 rooms are blocked off for this rate. This lodging is in the heart of the business and dining district of Hartford and about 4 miles and 10 minutes (during non-rush hour) from the USJ main campus and next to USJ downtown School of Pharmacy, which will be the location of the Thursday welcome reception.  USJ will arrange a shuttle at the beginning and ending of each conference day from this hotel.  Please make hotel reservations by calling 1-860-728-5151 or visiting this link by September 1st to guarantee your conference rate.

Old Avon Farms Hotel, 279 Avon Mountain Rd, P.O. Box 1295
Avon, CT 06001: Old Avon Farms is offering a conference rate of $129 plus tax for rooms in its annex hotel or $149 plus tax for traditional rooms.  Parking is free.  Please make reservation -
 Group #16594 – by calling 800-836-4000 prior to October 22, subject to availability.  This lodging is in a rustic New England town about 6 miles or 10 minute drive to USJ main campus.  There will be no shuffle service to and from campus so please arrange a car rental or other means of transportation.  For more information on Old Avon Farms, see the pdf on the PHS website.

AIR: If you are flying within the U.S., it is best to fly to Bradley International Airport (BDL), which is about 20 minutes north of Hartford.  You can rent a car at the airport or take a taxi (about $45 each way) directly to the Hartford Hilton. You can also take the public bus called the Bradley Flyer ( from the airport to Union Station in downtown Hartford for $2 each way. From Union Station, the Hartford Hilton is about a 6 minute walk or take a taxi.

You can also take Connecticut Limo airport shuttle (30 dollars one way, 56 round trip, to Union Station in Hartford and walk to the hotel or take a taxi.

If you are flying from abroad and you have a poor connecting flight to Bradley International Airport from a New York airport or Boston, it might be easier to rent a car at either airport (about 2 hour drive from Boston and 2.5/3 hour drive from NYC).

TRAIN: Amtrak has a stop in downtown Hartford at Union Station and the route runs up the East Coast, from Washington, D.C, Philadelphia, New York via Hartford to Boston.  Please visit the website to make check train schedule and expense:

BUS:If you are coming from Boston or New York, buses (Peter Pan and Greyhound) run frequently to Hartford Union Station for about 30 dollars each way.  Please make sure your bus stops at Union Station. (

Other Questions: If you have any other questions related to lodging or transportation, feel free to email Kevin Callahan at If you have questions about the conference program, please email Ben Peters ( and Prudence Moylan (
Questions or comments to the web editor.