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PHS 2021: Peace History Society Virtual Conference

Struggling for justice, struggling for peace: peace history engages with visions and movements around racial, climate, gender, and social justice.

Atlanta, Georgia
October 21-23, 2021

Conference Highlights | Registration | Program | Books and Museums | Call for Papers

NOTE: Anyone who wants to attend the conference must register, even if you are not required to pay a fee. Conference registration is needed for access to panels and other events, including being able to view the film Sweet Home, Monteverde. All paid registrants receive a one-year membership to the Peace History Society, which includes a subscription to the journal, Peace and Change, including the October 2021 special issue on racial justice and peace history.

The 2021 conference is free for students, invited participants, and those experiencing financial hardship. The standard registration fee is $40. for all others, including those who are presenting. For those who register by September 15, the fee is $30.

Ways to pay your registration fee:

Mail check or money order, made out to Peace History Society in U.S. dollars only, to: Christy Snider, Department of History, 5010, Mt. Berry Station, Berry College, Mt. Berry, GA 30149, USA. You may also pay online here:

Early registration by September 15

Registration after September 15
Questions or comments to the web editor.