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2019 PHS awards

Deborah Buffton
Current PHS president Michael Clinton presents previous president Deborah Buffton award for outstanding service.
  • Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Wendy Chmielewski, George Cooley Curator, Swarthmore College Peace Collection.
  • The inaugural Elise M. Boulding Prize in Peace History for an outstanding English-language nonfiction book by a single author that has a substantial bearing on the field of peace history: Michael Kazin, War Against War: The American Fight for Peace, 1914-1918 (Simon & Schuster, 2017).
  • Charles Debenedetti Memorial Prize for the best article published in Peace History in 2015-2016 awarded to Barbara Keys, “The Telephone and Its Uses in 1980s U.S. Activism,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History (Spring 2018). Honorable Mention: Marian Mollin, “The Solidarity of Suffering: Gender, Cross-Cultural Contact, and the Foreign Mission Work of Sister Ita Ford,” Peace & Change (April 2017).
  • Scott Bills Memorial Prize First Book / Dissertation in Peace History published in 2016-2017 awarded to Nan Kim, Memory, Reconciliation, and Reunions in South Korea: Crossing the Divide (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016).
  • Deborah Buffton, for outstanding service as PHS president, 2017-2018.
  • Travel awards:
    • Lina Tuschling
Lina Tuschling
Current PHS president Michael Clinton presents Lina Tuschling with travel award.

More pictures from the awards ceremony are available on the PHS facebook page.
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